Tuesday, December 8, 2009

We are officially Wireless!!!

Hey Everybody...
    We can not even begin to tell you all how wonderful it is to be home.  Parker had his final chest x-ray done this morning.  We did get the results back and Parker still has fluid on his lungs, so he will have to remain on his fluid meds for a while.  They did see the small residual hole that we told you all about last night but that is not a big deal.  He was fussy by the time we got home tonight, but I am sure it is from all of the movement today.  Parker's been laying in a hospital bed for three weeks, so you can imagine how sore he may be.  I want you all to please keep a family that we met in the PCICU this week in your prayers.  Christopher Gordon is a nine year old little boy that lost his heart fight last night!  His parents have been at the Ronald McDonald house next door to us and others for the last 3 months.  The surgeons had to remove a good portion of his right brain Thursday night in an emergency surgery.  They let his parents know that he had suffered a stroke and would more than likely be paralized on one side....little did they know that only four days later he would go to be with the Lord.  Willis and I had not seen them for the last two days because we were moved to seven C.  But when we woke this morning one of the helpers of the Ronald McDonald house was cleaning their room and we knew that wasn't good.  The Gordon's have a hard road ahead of them so we will continue to pray for his family and ask that you do the same.  If you ever get too caught up in life, think you've got it bad, then you need to take a drive to the PCICU waiting room at MUSC and it will put things in perspective quickly.  The stories we heard this week would blow your mind.  Not to mention the miracles that go along with it.  Willis and I are so blessed to have been able to bring our little boy home...when others are not so fortunate.  With tear filled eyes we pulled away from MUSC...a week of our lives that has forever changed us.  You see, six days ago our child laid on a table in the OR with no heartbeat., it was the worst two hours of our life.  God could have not provided his little heart to beat again...but He did.  God has something wonderful in mind for Parker.  We may never witness in our lifetime what that is but for now we are greatful for our second chance with our little boy.  Life is such a delicate thing, and too often it is taken for granted.  Kiss your babies tonight and make sure you tell them how much you love them...you might not get that second chance! 
Love In Christ,
The Crafts 


  1. Amy and Willis,
    We are so glad you all are home. We will definitely stay away until all is clear with the little fella. Thanks so much for keeping us posted daily. I can say that I have no clue what you all have seen and endured this past week. I do know that God's timing is always perfect and what a blessing to know that he is always with us. Take care and let us know if there's anything we can do.

    The McRoberts

  2. Welcome Home!!!! We love you guys! The Proctors

  3. Awesome..The Crafts are Home! God does have a purpose for everything. Thank you Jesus!

    The Hunts

  4. So glad to hear that you are home. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers, as well as the other family you mentioned. God does have a plan for Parker, we look forward to seeing what that is. Love you all!
    Charles and Phyllis

  5. So grateful that everything turned out like we all prayed that it would. Through JESUS CHRIST, ALL things are possible !!! GOD is GREAT. He has a plan for all of his children, but a even greater plan for Parker.
    Thinking of y'all
    Wayne,Tracy & Kaitlyn

  6. We are so happy for you all to be home and know that you all have been prayed for so often in this household and in so many others. Our family knows first-hand, also the prayer-changing power of others and are so thrilled that you have that adorable little baby as your witness of that! Tell Grandpa Steve & Daddy Willis we hope we'll get to see them down soon with little Parker in toe! Have a great Christmas!!!!
    Sam, Malissa, Samuel, Jackson & Graham Smith

  7. That's FANTASTIC news!! What a mighty God we serve!!!

  8. That is awesome news!!! Still praying for you guys and the other families. God is Good! The Barnetts

  9. Until I can see you all again, please give everyone a hug for me. Love you all. Ms. Julia
