Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving....
  First of all may I say just how very thankful, and blessed we are for Parker's life.  Parker will always be able to say that he spent his very first Thanksgiving at the Richland Memorial Childrens Hospital.... not to many babies can claim that!!!  Parker slept all night long again.  Three days in a row.  His weight has gone from 9 lbs. 8 oz. yesterday, to 9 lbs. 10 oz. today!!!  We are so thankful for that.  As of today we are officially at our goal volume of 30 CC's per hour for feeds.  They increased Parker at 1:00 today and he has done very well.  Not one episode!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!  We thank God everyday for our family and the time that we are able to spend with each other.  This, of course, has not been the ideal thanksgiving, but it has been nice.  Willis is on his way up to the hospital with our dinner. The doctors and nurses have been so sweet.   I want to let you all know just how THANKFUL our family is to have such wonderful friends and family surrounding us.  In all that we have been through, we both know that the love and support you all have given us is irreplaceable.  I heard once that "Family and Friends are angels who lift us up when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly".  This last week has felt like that, and we are forever greatful to all of you. With all of the hustle and bustle this time of year, it's been nice to slow down and focus on the little things that are always taken for granted throughout the year.  This thanksgiving we thank God for the little things.  We also thank God for the knowledge of the surgeon that will be fixing Parker's heart.  For the doctors and nurses that take such great care of Parker and for the time God has allowed us to spend with him before his surgery.

Love In Christ,
The Crafts     

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    We are SO glad to hear the good news-good sleep, more food, and more weight!!! We have been thinking about you all throughout this week and today. I totally agree with slowing down and paying more attention to the small things we often look past. Sometimes, I think God makes us "Be still" and it is in those times we realize how BIG our God is and how He wants us to allow him to lead us through everything big/small, good/bad, and easy/difficult. Thank God we have such a mighty God and we can allow him to carry us when we feel overwhelmed. We know this has been a tough time, we can't imagine. However, I know Parker is going to be fine and God has BIG plans for him. We are thankful for you guys and we are continuing to pray you all through this. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!
    The McRoberts Family
